RDS-Knight Controls Device Access to Protect Sensitive Data

RDS-Knight interface

RDS-Tools introduces a feature to restrict device access control. Breakthrough technologies meet the growing demands of a smarter, mobile-first world -- while instilling confidence that identity data is secure and privacy is protected. The Device Protection - or Control is the right answer to keep data safe.

Integrated cyber defense To Protect Business from Breaches

Businesses work hard to grow their business, and don’t want to see it compromised by a malicious attack. More than ever, small businesses are being targeted for cyber attacks. The potential impact of data loss due to increased insider risk is a very real concern, be it accidental or malicious.

Every endpoint is a launch pad for a cyber attack, no matter how it touches your network.

It’s a fact: when a device can be physically accessed, you may consider it as compromised. And if the device is properly hardened, it's just a matter of time. The best hacks are the ones which use a feature or the way the computer is supposed to work.

As more users depend on portable devices to store and move data, the more tantalizing a target these devices are to cyber criminals looking for new paths into large networks.

Businesses need a way to keep their data safe.

RDS-Knight's Endpoint Protection and Device Control enables extra security protection for client systems

The Endpoint Protection feature incorporates a Device Control technology. Simple rules created with Device Control can enforce security policies and stop unknown malware. This technology protects computers against malware coming from external devices, and increases productivity by preventing improper use of those devices.

Prevent Cyber Attack From Unknown Device on your RDS Server

Why a hacker could be able to use a stolen Windows credential to open a session from any device? This should be prevented.

The Device Protection - or Control is the right answer. The main purpose of the Device Control technology is clear from its name— it enables the network administrator to improve productivity by enforcing policies on various device types and, if necessary, prohibit the access to some of them to the remote server/corporate network.

This feature lets administrators restrict users from connecting and using a variety of external devices.

To ensure that productivity is maintained or even improved - without the risk of data loss or introduction of malware - a centralized solution is needed that automates the discovery of devices, defines and enforces device user by user.

With RDS-Knight, organizations can quickly identify all endpoint-connected devices in their environment and flexibly enforce a comprehensive security policy that prevents unauthorized access, in order to limit malware intrusion. These policies are defined for each user.

Enable productivity and reduce insider risk by centrally managing security policies regarding the access to RDS from external devices (e.g., mobiles) through a flexible device whitelist approach:

  • Prevent malware intrusion via external devices, adding a layer of protection to your  remote network
  • Ensure protection whether or not endpoints are connected to the remote server

With RDS-Knight, adding critical protection to every desktop, laptop, and server has never been easier.

How does that work? 

The Device Control component in RDS-Knight's Endpoint Protection allows the administrator to enforce the corporate security standards, by specifying who and which devices can access to the RDS Server.

RDS-Knight will record the user’s device name at his first connection. It will bind the user’s credential to the user’s own device.

The administrator can decide to restrict access for this logon to that recorded device’s name. Doing so, any attempt to connect from another device will be automatically detected and rejected. 

Prevent Security Breaches. Protect Your Users.
Secure Your Endpoints. Download RDS-Knight now for a free trial!

About RDS-Tools:

Since 1996, RDS Tools has specialized in remote-access technology, expanding its experience and expertise in deployments of all sizes – as large as 35,000 concurrent users.

After investing nearly seven years of R&D developing our flagship products, we are extremely proud to offer our customers such cost-effective and easy-to-use technology to obviate server complexity and deliver a powerful “server-based solution” which runs on any Microsoft system.

RDS-Tools provides 4 brand new technology choices which will greatly help you to deploy your RDS/TSE servers: RDS WebAccess, RDS Print, RDS-Knight and Server Genius.

For any questions, comments, suggestions or sales inquiries please send us an e-mail at sales@rds-tools.com.

Source: RDS-tools.com


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