Category: IT Management

RDS-Tools is reasserting its position as an expert provider of cybersecurity, production monitoring and remote support solutions to help network administrators and MSPs managing cloud IT infrastructures for their clients.

The new 3.7 version of Server Genius was been released yesterday. Server Genius is the most comprehensive monitoring and reporting tool for Windows servers. Besides its essential monitoring features providing hardware data metrics, Server Genius tracks Remote Desktop sessions and Windows Application processes which allow administrators to get a good understanding of 'Who is doing What and When.'

RDS-tools releases an updated version of Server Genius. Must-have in RDS administrators' toolkit, this monitoring app keeps an eye on servers and tracks all critical events that can lead to production breakdowns. Its detailed reports and real-time alerts ensure a quick response time in addition to cost savings in high-risk situations. Server Genius 3.4 new features enable even greater reactivity.

RDS-Tools is proud to deliver the upgraded version of its easiest and most accurate monitoring tool for RDS: Server Genius 3.1! Officially available to download for free, this new release delivers a host of features that will greatly benefit RDS Administrators.

RDS-Tools has released Server Genius 2.3 in preparation for the upcoming upgrade Server Genius 3.0. Discover the new functionalities and enhancements this 2.3 release offers.

RDS-Tools is pleased to announce a new pricing strategy forServer Genius, its powerful monitoring and reporting tool for RDS Servers. The strategy serves to make this very convenient tool affordable to everybody. Consequently, the latest 2.1 version released earlier this month is now available in 4 different editions.

Server Genius is the new powerful tool to monitor RDS Servers at all time and get accurate reports about applications and data use. With this application, Administrators can easily manage their servers' environment from one single place and prevent any upcoming issues. Discover what makes the new 2.1 version of Server Genius an awesome solution for Remote Desktop supervision.

RDS-Tools is happily closing 2017, rich of improvements and technological advances. The latest releases of the best HMTL5 Remote Desktop solution and alternative to Citrix focused on optimizing and simplifying the users' experience. This 11.10 version is a major update, taking a new step forward a greater customization of the RDS-WebAccess experience to keep its customers satisfied.

RDS-Tools is happily closing 2017 which has been rich in improvements and technological advances. And what is the best way to start the new year with a brand new version of its powerful tool for monitoring and reporting Remote Desktop connections? With this 2.1 update release, Server Genius has been completely redesigned to provide a more complete, more accurate and easy-to-master application.

RDS-Tools is thrilled to announce the fourth part of the video series realized with the help of SilverTree Studios that reveals everything you need to know about RDS-Knight; the new all-in-one RDS server security tool

RDS-Tools is thrilled to announce the third part of the video series realized with the help of SilverTree Studios that reveals everything you need to know about RDS-Knight; the new all-in-one RDS server security tool!

RDS-Tools is thrilled to announce the second part of the video series realized with the help of SilverTree Studios that reveals everything you need to know about RDS-Knight, the new all-in-one RDS server security tool

RDS-Tools is proud to offer Server Genius, an easy and efficient reporting solution to set up on your RDS server. Server Genius monitors, records and analyzes users' activity in every application, over Remote Desktop and Terminal Services connection method and delivers enterprise scale analytics in a compressed and searchable format

Today, RDS-Tools announces the new release of its 360-degrees cyber security tool to counteract RDP threats: RDS-Knight 1.4 Release can be downloaded now for free. This new version includes additional settings and improvements based on customers' feedback, in order to keep RDS-Knight as the best weapon against hackers and malicious people.

RDS-Tools introduces a feature to restrict device access control. Breakthrough technologies meet the growing demands of a smarter, mobile-first world -- while instilling confidence that identity data is secure and privacy is protected. The Device Protection - or Control is the right answer to keep data safe.

Windows is providing many powerful GPOs but most of administrators aren't comfortable enough with such kind of system restriction policies; And it remains often uncertain that the requested security rules will be enforced exactly as expected. RDS-Knight stressed security fundamentals to keep remote access usage in a safe zone and allow you in One click only to easily limit user rights.

Remote access for workers allows people more flexibility in their schedules and commutes, when overwork diminishes productivity. RDS-Tools introduces the "Working Hours Restriction" as part of its new security tool RDS-Knight, a solution designed to provide companies with a enhanced network security, limited access to applications, and to give IT admins more precise control over their networks.

Olivier Benoit takes great pleasure in announcing the general availability of RDS-Tools products, to serve the needs of RDS Administrators. After years of investment in R&D, RDS-Tools Development Team is proud to offer four brand new technologies which will revolutionize your Windows Remote Desktop and Terminal Services usage.