Category: Client/Server Computing

RDS-Tools is happy to announce the general availability of its 11.20 release. This new version of the best alternative to Citrix is clearly in line with the company objective for 2018: to become the first provider of powerful Remote Desktop applications and tools. Stay up-to-date and read about the great enhancements that are awaiting RDS-Tools' customers.

RDS-Tools is pleased to announce a new pricing strategy forServer Genius, its powerful monitoring and reporting tool for RDS Servers. The strategy serves to make this very convenient tool affordable to everybody. Consequently, the latest 2.1 version released earlier this month is now available in 4 different editions.

RDS-Tools is happily closing 2017, rich of improvements and technological advances. The latest releases of the best HMTL5 Remote Desktop solution and alternative to Citrix focused on optimizing and simplifying the users' experience. This 11.10 version is a major update, taking a new step forward a greater customization of the RDS-WebAccess experience to keep its customers satisfied.

RDS-Tools is happily closing 2017 which has been rich in improvements and technological advances. And what is the best way to start the new year with a brand new version of its powerful tool for monitoring and reporting Remote Desktop connections? With this 2.1 update release, Server Genius has been completely redesigned to provide a more complete, more accurate and easy-to-master application.

RDS-Tools develops powerful Remote Desktop Applications to change the life of Windows RDS Administrators, bringing them more security, flexibility and reliability. Today, RDS-Tools' representatives announce the permanent decrease of RDS-Knight Ultimate Protection purchasing price, in order to make this amazing tool accessible to the greater number.

RDS-Knight is the best security software developed by RDS-Tools to keep remote connections safe, monitor login failures, block prohibited or suspicious IPs and prevent unauthorized actions from malicious Remote Desktop users. The new release of this very complete and performing toolbox to secure RDS is now officially available and brings nice fixes and enhancements.

RDS-Tools' Development team is proud to introduce the latest release of its clientless Remote Desktop solution compatible with any device! The RDS-WebAccess software is a pure web solution that allows, using only a web browser, an easy access to personal workstations from anywhere and at any time. The latest 10.40 release offers a new look and great improvements!

Organizations use public virtual networks centrally hosted on Windows Remote Desktop Services (RDS) or VDI to give a permanent access to internal resources to their employees wherever they are. They must be installed with the correct version on each device that requires access to the server. This is where "RDS-Web Access" enters the picture: universal clientless solution to access server resources

RDS-Knight provides a 360-degrees security protection for RDS servers. RDS-Knight is "The Must-Have" security tool for every RDS Administrator. Today, RDS-Tools announces a new discounted price for all customers purchasing an RDS-Knight License before October 31, 2017.

RDS-Tools is proud to offer Server Genius, an easy and efficient reporting solution to set up on your RDS server. Server Genius monitors, records and analyzes users' activity in every application, over Remote Desktop and Terminal Services connection method and delivers enterprise scale analytics in a compressed and searchable format

RDS-Tools is thrilled to announce a new five-part video series realized by SilverTree Studios that shows everything RDS Administrators need to know about RDS-Knight, the new all-in-one RDS server security tool

Today, RDS-Tools announces the new release of its 360-degrees cyber security tool to counteract RDP threats: RDS-Knight 1.4 Release can be downloaded now for free. This new version includes additional settings and improvements based on customers' feedback, in order to keep RDS-Knight as the best weapon against hackers and malicious people.

For decades, remote printing has been a complex, expensive and endless problem for Windows system administrators. These dark days are over: TSplus' new line of products "RDS-Tools" offers RDS-Print, a program installed in a snap and which automatically prints any document into the user local default printer.

Today, RDS-Tools announces the new release of its 360 degrees cyber security tool to counteract RDP threats: RDS-Knight 1.3 Release can be downloaded now for free. This new version includes additional settings and improvements based on customers' feedback, in order to keep RDS-Knight as the best weapon against hackers and malicious people.

Windows is providing many powerful GPOs but most of administrators aren't comfortable enough with such kind of system restriction policies; And it remains often uncertain that the requested security rules will be enforced exactly as expected. RDS-Knight stressed security fundamentals to keep remote access usage in a safe zone and allow you in One click only to easily limit user rights.

Windows servers are constantly assailed by hackers, network scanners and brute force robots who attempt to steal identification in order to access personal data or take the control of the machine. RDS-Tools is pleased to announce the worldwide availability oof RDS-Knight, a 360° cyber security tool which includes a powerful Defender to counter efficiently this threat.

Every time we connect to the Internet, we make decisions that affect our cybersecurity. Sophisticated cyber actors and nation-states exploit vulnerabilities to steal information and money and are developing capabilities to disrupt, destroy, or threaten the delivery of essential services. RDS-Tools announces the new "Homeland Access Protection" as part of the features of RDS-Knight software.

RDS-Tools team is proud to announce the launch of its next-generation cyber security expert tool, RDS-Knight! This software is built to provide the ultimate protection against today's cyber threats landscape so that you can finally feel secure when using Remote Desktop Connections.

Olivier Benoit takes great pleasure in announcing the general availability of RDS-Tools products, to serve the needs of RDS Administrators. After years of investment in R&D, RDS-Tools Development Team is proud to offer four brand new technologies which will revolutionize your Windows Remote Desktop and Terminal Services usage.